
Vanieca Kraus, LMFT - individual, couples, and family counseling

My philosophy and approach to Counseling

I am a systemic therapist. As I work with you individually, as a couple, or as a family, I will consider your relationships and other contextual factors. If you are seeking help for difficulties in your marriage or family, I will encourage your spouse and/or family to be involved because I believe it is the most effective way to help you solve a variety of challenges.

At the beginning of therapy, I will ask you questions to help me understand the issues that bring you to see me. I will gather some background information but will mostly focus on the present and your preferred future. We will set goals together and work collaboratively to identify the strengths you have to fulfill these goals. Once you feel you have achieved these goals, therapy will be over. The length of therapy varies for each person and depends on your goals.

Click here to learn about more specific services for couples.


phone: (503) 766-6547

adults, adolescents, children, and families counseling
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