Clinical Supervision

Vanieca Kraus, LMFT - individual, couple, and family counseling/therapy in Portland OR
Vanieca Kraus, LMFT - Approved Supervisor; AAMFT Supervisor in training 
I am in an AAMFT approved supervisor training program. I receive supervision of supervision by an AAMFT approved supervisor, which allows me to supervise you towards licensure. 

I meet the supervisor requirements set forth by the OBLPCT.  

Services & Fees
 Group supervision - $40/hour
 Individual supervision - $60/hour

Philosophy of Supervision
I am a collaborative supervisor. I will focus on helping you develop your skills in your theory of choice, not mine. 

Click here to down load my; philosophy of supervision paperSupervision_files/philosophy%20of%20supervision.docVanieca Kraus, LMFT - philosophy of supervision; clinical supervisor; aamft supervisor


phone: (503) 766-6547

Vanieca Kraus, LMFT - clinical supervision; aamft supervisorContact_Me.html
Contact Supervision_files/shapeimage_3.png	Vanieca Kraus, LMFT - clinical supervision; aamft supervisor

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